07 March 2024 - Release Notes

This is a summary of all changes deployed to our production environment in the scope of this release.

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Enhancement - Minimal Stones for Samples


In order to make the platform easier to use for suppliers, we are loosening our controls on which stone data is required to create a sample via CSV upload. With this enhancement, suppliers will only be required to include Stone Category (e.g. Gemstone), Stone Type (e.g. Ruby) and Carat Weight (where applicable). All other Stone fields will still be available but they will be optional.

As Stone Quantity is no longer required, when suppliers enter a Carat Weight without entering Stone Quantity, this value will be taken as the Total Carat Weight for that stone Type and Category. 

Full stone data will still be required to complete cost submissions and all existing samples will still contain the full stone data set.

Loupe will be following up quickly with the ability to load minimal stone data manually inside the Loupe application.

Enhancement - Privacy


In order to support closed sample lines that can be shared with more than one retailer, we are renaming ‘Exclusivity’ to ‘Privacy’ in Loupe. As well as being able to make a sample private to a single retailer, suppliers can now make a sample private to a select group of retailers.

All existing exclusivity logic will remain. For example, if supplier X has an exclusive product with retailer Y before this release, then after this release the same product will be in a closed sample line that is only visible to retailer Y. The difference now is that supplier X has the option to add more retailers to this closed sample line should they need to.

This new functionality saves the supplier from needing to load duplicate samples to work around our previous exclusivity logic.

For more information, please read this article.

Enhancement - Retailer Reporting Controls for Suppliers


As we continue to build our reporting system, we are now giving retailers the ability to control which sales & inventory data they upload will be shared with their supply chain partners. This enhancement will allow retailers to control which specific data can be used in reporting by each supply chain partner on the platform. Today there are two options; to share both sales and inventory unit data, or to not share any data at all. In the future we will add more options that expand retailers control of data sharing.

Enhancement - Retailer Reporting Locations


We are performing some updates to our reporting system that will allow for reporting by location. This means that in the future we will be able to report the sales of any product in the system by the exact location at which the item was sold. To do this we are adding the ability for retailers to add their locations in settings, and then reference these locations when uploading sales and inventory data. In the future we will use this location data for other parts of the system, like the Order Management System.

Enhancement - Project Description


Now you can add a project description to your project. This will give you the ability to quickly identify and communicate what the project is and how it is to be used.