Retail Data - Foundational Data

This article will explain how to load your company's underlying retail data parameters and their contained drop-down values.

Retailers need to join retail data to the product data provided by their manufacturer in order to complete the required data set needed for SKU generation in their own systems. In addition to main retail data such as Merchandising Hierarchy and SKU Category data, Foundational data end-point allows retailers to create additional custom parameters & attributes.

💡  What is a parameter & an attribute?

A parameter is normally referred to as a field. A field can contain options to choose from, which are called attributes. An attribute cannot exist without a relationship to a parameter.

An example Parameter would be colour.

Attributes inside this parameter would be blue, yellow, red, green etc.


Foundational data API allows a retailer to load up to 82 additional fields, with custom parameter names, and custom attribute names & relationships.


Example of typical Retail Data parameters are:

  1. Sales Tag Type
  2. Defect Code

Examples of their contained attribute values could be:
  1. Sales Tag Type
    1. Large 128 barcode
    2. Small 128 barcode
    3. QR code
  2. Defect Code
    1. return to vendor
    2. melt
    3. unset & melt
    4. discard


To load your custom Foundational Data follow the step process below:

Step 1:
Download the template here

Step 2:
Complete your Retail Data fields as per your system requirements

Data Input Guidance:

Field Value Alphanumeric inc Special characters
Maximum characters in a field 200
Maximum rows 1000


📔 Special Characters:

Special characters are defined as all non-alphanumeric characters.  For avoidance of doubt, the following special characters are accepted if Type = "alphanumeric inc SC" above:


Step 3:
Deliver your payload to the Retail Data API

Endpoint URL:

For example requests and to test this end-point here is the direct Swagger link: Retail Data Import


⚠️  Not enough custom fields?

If you think you need more than 82 custom fields please contact your account manager.