Enterprise Cost Submission

This article provides an overview of how to submit sample data to an Enterprise retailer on Loupe. This represents a detailed cost breakdown required by the retailer before their Sourcing division will approve a product and assign a SKU

This is a large and complex feature. This page serves as a reference point for the entire process, and all associated documentation. 


What is the difference between Bill of Materials (BoM) and Cost Submission?

The Bill of materials represents the basic product specification. This is rooted in the manufacturers ERP system, and is customer agnostic:


Whereas a Cost Submission represents additional specification and costing breakdown. This is rooted in the retailers' Vendor of Record sales system, and is customer specific:


Traditional "vendor portals" work very inefficiently:

❌ Data entry is repeated at different levels of supply chain

❌ Data is not synched with manufacturing ERP systems

❌ Benefit is exclusively to the retailer, Vendor does not benefit in any way

❌ Often Designed by the retailer - poor user experience, lack of software documentation 

❌ Poor capabilities in terms of change management after first submission 

Loupe provides an improved solution:

✔️ Data entry is only done once throughout the supply chain

✔️ Data is synched with manufacturing ERP systems (see our SDC service if you don't believe this)

✔️ Benefit is now shared equitably by retailer and vendor, as vendor can use one portal with multiple customers (over the long term)

✔️ Designed by software professionals - high quality user experience, extensive software documentation 

✔️ Excellent capabilities in terms of change management after first submission


Cost Submission Process:

The following is an outline of the cost submission process that you will engage in with your enterprise retail partner.

Now you have understood the tool and the high level process it helps to manage, please read through all the relevant documentation to help you navigate specific sections.


🕓 Time Saver

You will find the entire Cost Submission process more simple and rapid to execute if you enter your Duty values before you do anything else.

This means navigate to the Cost Analysis accordian, then complete the drop downs in the Duty section via the edit pencil:

Screenshot 2021-08-04 at 10.29.59

⚠️ If you do not populate the Duty values first, when you get to the end of Cost Submission, you will likely need to revisit every modal from each level of your Bill of Materials to populate / check the Duty values.


At the end of the process both vendor and buying company will have a clear view of the cost of the raw materials, the cost to create the product, and the over-cost of every product:

cost analysis

Documentation Links:

Click on the links below to open an article in a new window

How to Start A Cost Submission

Sourcing Metal Locks

Pre-population of Cost Submission

Materials table




The Rest of the BoM



Vendor Packaging

Over Cost


Saving a Cost Submission

Cost Submission Status

After Submission - Change in BoM 

After Submission - Change in Cost

Understanding Difference

After Submission - Tether to Grid  (coming soon)