27 September 2023 - Release Notes

This is a summary of all changes deployed to our production environment in the scope of this release.

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New Feature – Mention Vendor Sales Team in Cost Submission Commenting


CS Commenting - External team mention

Retailers will now have the capability to mention the sales team in the Cost Submission Commenting feature. This will be activated by typing “@” and selecting the “Sales Team at CompanyName” and will notify the vendor’s sales team allocated to the buyer.



Enhancement – Adding Merchandising Hierarchy Label in Linesheet



Users will now have the ability to view the Merchandising hierarchy label alongside the Merchandising Hierarchy code in the Linesheet.



Enhancement – Rename “Lab Grown Screening” to “Gemmological Screening”

The "Lab Grown Screening" field has been renamed as "Gemmological Screening" across both the application and the BOM Export feature. This modification was introduced to enhance user flexibility in including diverse screening methods within their cost calculations.